Halfling-Steamborne Creations! (steampunk jewelry by Gracen)
2 posters
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Halfling-Steamborne Creations! (steampunk jewelry by Gracen)
Here is my very, very new etsy store! I sold 4 things by the third day of its birth which was a HUGE accomplishment. However, it still needs love and most importantly, views. I've been making things nightly and posting them the following day on my etsy so if you like my line, it's important to check back every few days or so. It's always being updated!
Halfling-Steamborne- Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-01-07
Age : 34
Location : Lexington, SC
Re: Halfling-Steamborne Creations! (steampunk jewelry by Gracen)
You have a very nice little shop looking forwad to seeing more!!
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